
Oluwaseun Akinola
1 min readMar 14, 2022

Writing is fun. Writing can be fun.

You take out your pen, open a page and begin softly scribbling your thoughts on paper.

It’s exciting. You don’t exactly know for sure what you would be able to unfold, but you continue to write.

It is an art of words. A melody of sounds written. An unknown piece becoming known. It is beautiful.

I don’t always know how to express myself when I write, nor do I know many words grand enough to be written.

But with my hands, heart and mind, I create. The flow comes naturally and perhaps not excellent these words, these flows, these styles, they have come from me.

Writing, no matter how simple, shouldn’t be shunned or hidden. Write for yourself, write for others, but most importantly, write to give anyone a pleasant feeling, a joyous moment or an endless blissfulness.

Let them feel what they don’t see. Let them imagine the words they see. Let them know that there is a wonder in what you do.

Write as you are, and write to give; to give something.

Mori Kaoru’s manga series ‘Otoyomegatari’ delightfully inspired this piece.

